Dr. Joseph has handpicked these resources for Clinical Supervisor Trainers, Qualified Clinical Supervisors, Supervisors-in Training, Supervisors- in Practice, Licensed Mental Health Professionals, Graduate Practicum Students, Registered Interns in Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy, and Mental Health Counseling, Clients/Clinical Families, and the curious ones. Click on the hyperlink/underlined items to access these resources.
Common Rules Regarding Supervision (and verification of clinical experience)
Post Interview Reflection checklist by Queensland Centre for Mental Health Learning
Qualified Supervisor Comprehensive Curriculum PPT
Qualified Supervisor Requirements Comparison Chart (Use Draft View w/ full screen)
Qualified Supervisor Training Syllabus/Agenda 12 CEUS
Requirements to Become a Registered Intern
Qualified Supervisor Statement Instructions and Form – APPLICATION FORM DH-MQA 5049
Certificate of Completion By Dr. Joseph
1. Qualified Supervisor statements and instructions and FORM/ Application Form for qualified supervisor Qualified Supervisor Statement Instructions and Form Completed forms must be submitted by email to: mqa.qualifiedsupervisor@flhealth.gov or by fax to (850) 413-6982.
2. Consent for clients with trainees – trainees disclosing to be under supervision and confidential info shared with trainees’ qualified supervisor (Re: Kellie G.)
3. Contract or agreement for supervision (Re Dr. Falender)
4. Supervised experience LOG (by Dr. Joseph)
5. Supervisor agreement letter to supervise intern (by Dr. JOSEPH)
6. Supervision agreement letter - more sophisticated (by Dr. JOSEPH)
7. Record of supervision meeting (modified by Dr. Joseph)
8. Verification of clinical experience PDF or at Dr. Joseph’s resources on GoogleDrive. Where to email this form? info@floridasmentalhealthprofessions.gov Same FORM w/ rules and tutorials PDF https://floridasmentalhealthprofessions.gov/forms/qualified-supervisor-info.pdf
9. Links to guide interns: apply for licenses and services
10. Forms – click on hyperlink below to access forms
Measures of Impact and Outcome
Supervisory Satisfaction Questionnaire -- Supervisee
Supervisory Relationship Questionnaire – Supervisee
Measures of Alliance & Collaboration
Supervisor Working Alliance Inventory - SWAI – Supervisor Version
Supervisor Working Alliance Inventory - SWAI- Supervisee Version
Measures of supervisees needs, Qualities & Functioning
Supervisee Needs Index
Measure Supervisee Competence Efficacy & Style
Counselor Supervisor Self-Efficacy Scale
Supervisor Competency Self-Assessment
Multicultural Supervision Competency Questionnaire
Supervisory Styles Inventory (Supervisee and Supervisor FORM)
Michigan State University Family Therapy Questionnaire MSU-FTQ –client eval his therapist---
**Supervision Strategies and Feedback Strategies Based on Psychological Type
**Selective Theory Sorter Revised (assessment to discover your theoretical orientation in conjunction w/ Myers Briggs personality type)
Measure Supervision Process
Evaluation process within supervision inventory (EPSI)
Group Supervision Scale
Baird, B. N. (1996). The internship, practicum, and field placement handbook: A guide for the helping professions. Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Bernard, J. M., & Goodyear, R. K. (2019). Fundamentals of clinical supervision (6th ed.). Pearson.
Faiver, C., Eisengart, S., & Colonna, R. (2004). The counselor intern's handbook. Thomson-Brooks/Cole.
Halbur, D., & Halbur, K. V. (2019). Developing your theoretical orientation in counseling and psychotherapy. Pearson.
Lee, R. E., & Everett, C. A. (2015). The integrative family therapy supervisor: A Primer. Routledge.
FLORIDA Board of
Clinical Social Work,
Marriage & Family Therapy and
Mental Health Counseling
P.O. Box 6330 Tallahassee, FL 32314-6330 Fax: (850) 413-6982
Completed forms must be submitted by email to
mqa.qualifiedsupervisor@flhealth.gov or by Fax to (850) 413-6982. Phone 850-245-4292