Welcome to Dr. Joseph Therapy!
Congratulations on your first step to living your life to its full potential!
My name is Dr. Dasmain Joseph. I am a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Qualified Clinical Supervisor, Clinical Supervisor Trainer. My doctoral degree is in Counselor-Education and Supervision from Argosy University. I have approximately 20 years of experience in the mental health profession working in various settings and serving various populations.
I am a living testimony of the transforming power of psychotherapy. I am a very happy person, partly because I practice the same thing I teach my clients. I am convinced I have a responsibility to share my happiness with others. Not only do I believe I can provide my clients some relief from their pain and suffering, but I can also help them to live their lives to their full potential. My view on providing psychotherapy is as simple as it is profound: love the clients (Carl Rogers’ unconditional positive regard); do what is best for the clients, and remain professional. I provide individual therapy, pre-marital therapy, marriage and family therapy, addiction counseling, faith-based counseling, and much more.
I am currently accepting registered interns who intend to become fully licensed in the state of Florida as Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, and Licensed Clinical Social Worker. Yes, I am a qualified supervisor for all three disciplines.
Dr. Joseph Therapy is the ONLY one providing in-person training to supervisors in-training for the same price as any other providers. I become an educational provider for Continuing education to ensure registered interns are receiving the best possible services as they work hard to become licensed. I have heard too many stories of interns losing all their internship hours due to grotesque negligence on the part of their supervisors. Therefore, I become a clinical supervisor trainer to change this narrative.
I offer a plethora of other services on a continuum so feel free to contact me directly via the means below. Thanks again for visiting Dr. Joseph Therapy and welcome to a new beginning!
You have direct access to Dr. Joseph's cell phone and email address.
Call or text him at
Email at